Month: October 1999

Spiritual Prosperity

The Bible tells us that God will supply all our needs (Phil. 4:19). Because His resources are limitless, He is able to do that for everybody who comes to Him in faith.

Older And Better

When Paul Molitor of the Minnesota Twins baseball team got his 3,000th hit as a major leaguer, he won a small victory for everyone over 40 years old. He showed that he still had great skills at an age when most players had long ago retired.

Let God Do The Measuring

Have you ever tried to define a word by using the same word to describe it? It doesn't work. You can't explain a term by comparing it with itself. For example, you can't say, "Being proud is to be filled with pride."

Don't Go There!

Though it's a frequently used word in the English language, it's one of the least talked about. It's used as an exclamation, an interjection, and a noun. What word is it? Hell.

Meeting The Need

Marge and Ed Bridges spent almost 20 years trying to find the best care for their son who was mildly retarded. They tried private tutors, home teaching, and special schools, but nothing seemed to provide adequate help and challenge for Jim. They had refused a psychiatrist's suggestion to put their son in an institution and forget him.

Celebration Of Praise

You've probably never been to a worship service quite like the one the Israelites held after they reached the safe side of the Red Sea.

Eternal Significance

A friend and colleague of physicist Gerald Schroeder was celebrating his 60th birthday. As he thought about his age, he was struck with the realization that most of his life was behind him. For decades he had been helping farmers in developing countries. His efforts had kept thousands of people from starving, and this had given him a great deal of satisfaction. But now he longed for a sense of meaning beyond our time-and-space world. He knew that although science has accomplished wonders in improving the quality of life for millions, it cannot provide anything to satisfy the hunger of the soul. So he began a search for inner peace.

A Case Of Seeing

Nineteen-year-old John McNeill was working in a railway office the day he received Christ as his Savior. Years later, this much-loved Scottish evangelist and pastor looked back on that life-changing day.

The Polluters

For centuries man has polluted the earth. Now he's cluttering up space. Experts say that enough high-flying debris has accumulated to raise the possibility of space collisions. In addition to all the worthwhile satellites circling our globe, it is estimated that over a million small pieces and many large chunks of metal are orbiting the earth.